Monday, August 20, 2018

13 miles inside out - with super glue

Friday morning I did my long run for the week. It was pouring down rain out, and since it was only 13 miles, I decided to just do it on the treadmill at home. I really don't mind running on the treadmill. It's hard to beat being in the air conditioning with a fan blowing on you and a radio nearby.

So I started out, and felt pretty good. That is... until 11.3 miles. That's when the treadmill just STOPPED! It's done this before. I suppose it gets overheated or something. So I just immediately headed up the stairs and ran the final 1.7 miles outside in the neighborhood.

The only problem was... I was on pace to do 13.1 miles in under 2 hours. On a treadmill! I have only knowingly done that once - the first half marathon I ever ran (1:47). I still did it right around 2 hours, which made me plenty happy. I hated not having even numbers and all that though.


Another item of note about this run: it was the first time I've ever used Super Glue on a blister. I've had this problem with a recurring blister between the ball of my right foot and the big toe. I think I may have had blisters on top of blisters. So I finally got them all popped and the skin was drying and peeling off a little. I'd heard of people using Super Glue to sort of 'add another layer of skin.' So I tried it. And it worked! The blister did not bother me or return.


So, that was about the extent of that excitement. We headed out right after the run Friday morning to head back to Illinois for a wedding. I switched my long run to Friday, and Saturday morning did a 6-mile run with Jane in Buda. Unfortunately, Jane took a tumble. This was the first time in our several years of running that either of us has fallen. Unfortunately it was on the streets of Buda. She scraped her right knee, elbow, and hand. It could have been much worse, and I'm glad it wasn't.

Such is life for us right now....

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