Tuesday, August 07, 2018

The discipleship difference - pt. 1

I recently finished reading 'The Discipleship Difference' from the good people at Logan Leadership. I have already shared a few nuggets from its pages, but I think I will share a few more here and there in the coming days/weeks.

Today I want to highlight a few overarching truths they use to define discipleship that form the basis for the book.

Perhaps their most foundational concept is...
"We make disciples at the same time we are growing as disciples... and we never finish."

As they say on p. 124, "Discipleship isn't simply about reading a book together or going through a course of study. It's not an add-on to the rest of life. It IS the rest of life -- and how we can live it in obedience to God."

Along with that, a second main point is...
"Discipleship is doing life with Jesus among other people."

Jesus told us to love God, love others, and make disciples. We can't be two-thirds of a disciple. Holistic discipleship involves all three. I like how the authors also point out, on p. 27, "We never travel alone on the journey of allowing God to work in our lives." That's important to remember.

A third and final point I want to highlight in this post is something they just touch on, but *I* want to highlight, and that's the idea...
"Everybody has weaknesses and everybody fails sometimes. That doesn't mean they're not disciples."

After three years of following Jesus, Peter denied he even knew him. The apostles were afraid at times. Discipleship is difficult for perfectionists, and it requires boatloads of grace. So we shouldn't ever feel like we've "blown it."


Well, that's about all I wanted to say today. I find those three concepts pretty deep and worthy of contemplation for a good long while. I think that's what I will do...

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