Monday, October 29, 2018

Change your life

I read this article on 'How To Change Your Life Every 90 Days' and, while it seems a tad simplistic, I also believe the plan offers some helpful hints for everyday life in general.

They say most people are living day-to-day and going nowhere, but with this simple 4-question exercise from Dan Sullivan, it can change your life:
  • Gives you a sense of joy and pride for what you’ve accomplished
  • Confidence about what you’re currently focusing on
  • Excitement about what your future holds
  • Clarity about the few things that really matter

I don't know about all that... but I did find the four questions interesting. Especially the first few. They are...
  1.  Last 90 Days - “Winning Achievements? Looking back over the past quarter, what are the things that make you the proudest about what you have achieved?” (there are likely more than you think)
  2. Right Now - “What’s Hot? When you look at everything that’s going on today, which areas of focus and progress are making you the most confident?” 
  3.  Next 90 Days - “Bigger and Better? Now, looking ahead at the next quarter, what new things are giving you the greatest sense of excitement?
  4.  90-Day Jumps - “What are the five new ‘jumps’ you can now achieve that will make your next 90 days a great quarter regardless of what else happens?”
 The article gives a little more detail on each, and it's not long at all so I suggest giving it a read if this is of any interest to you. Personally, I hope to give the first couple questions a go, and I think it would be good to get in somewhat of a habit with all four at some point.

Completing a marathon earlier this year reminded me I can do more than I usually think possible, and reading this article was a good reminder that it doesn't have to stop there.

So.... go!

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