Thursday, October 25, 2018

Voting guilt

This is not a conversation for Facebook (imho)... but since there are only a handful of people aware this blog exists.... hopefully it's safe to say something here. 😐

It's election time again - mid-terms at that - and once again a big slice of Americana feels it necessary every single eligible voter take to the polls. I have previously lamented my distaste for the phrase, "If you don't vote you can't complain." But now there's something more...

I vote in some elections. Sometimes I don't. I am not against voting (Please hear me say that: I am not against voting!). What I don't understand, or necessarily like, are the people who seem intent on GUILTING people into thinking they have to vote! Yes, I understand it is a right and privilege. I think every eligible citizen should have the opportunity to exercise this right. What bothers me is the idea of almost FORCING people to vote, when they may or may not even know who or what to vote for!

It is especially unsettling when I see/hear people blame non-voters for the "wrong side" winning. I mean, how do they know the people who didn't vote were going to vote the way they wanted? Maybe they would have lost even worse!

I remember a time before the 2016 presidential election, I suggested people should not have to feel compelled to vote. My thinking at that time was... I knew of a number of people who didn't like either candidate - Trump or Clinton - but felt they HAD to choose one or the other. I'd guess I knew more conservatives that didn't like Trump than Democrats that didn't like Hillary. In my opinion, if you didn't like or trust Donald Trump, you shouldn't feel you have to vote for him! I think it's entirely possible he received as many votes as he did because people simply felt they HAD TO vote.

Although, I say all this, and I honestly don't trust the process enough to believe our votes make much difference. Which is why I often don't vote. Maybe I'm just cynical but I have always thought this past election was rigged, and have heard nothing since to change my mind.

Not to mention the fact Hillary supposedly received more of the popular vote but still lost. I've also never really understood the 'electoral college.' I'm not sure most of us average citizens even understand what kind of government we really have (it's not a true democracy). 

Throw on top of this the fact many people choose to not vote for actual legitimate reasons. Some place their trust in a higher power. Some really do feel it worthwhile and necessary to oppose the entire system. Some have other reasons.

Personally, I believe things are much more complicated than simply choosing a party or casting a ballot. I tend to find myself more liberal than most democrats when it comes to social/economic issues, and more taken with moral/life issues than the furthest right of republicans. I believe simple-minded partisanship and single-issue voters are largely responsible for this cluster of a mess we currently have on our hands!

So, anyway, that's what I think. I say, if you want to vote, then you should. If you don't want to vote, then by all means, don't. Shoot, if you want to encourage others to do the same... have at it! But, please, let's stop with the guilt already. Voting is not the do all and end all of public civil difference-making. There are plenty of other ways to get involved, even if you do vote! Forcing guilt upon people is not only misguided and unhelpful, I think it's downright wrong! Can I get a 2nd??? 😉

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