Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Service for the accord

I took the 2013 Honda Accord into the dealership for service today. There was a safety recall (a battery sensor), and it was due for an oil change.

I never used to like taking our cars to the dealership for service, but an oil change is only $12.95 here. I made the mistake of taking it to our regular mechanic the last time and it was SIXTY DOLLARS! That was in May of 2018. So, to the dealer we will go.

It actually went pretty smooth. You just drive up to the service door, wait for them to open it, drive in, and get out. Someone takes your keys and sends you to the waiting room. I sat and did some reading (and had to listen to what I believe was "The View" on the TV. Egad's that is worse than I thought!). Anyway, a scheduled visit of over an hour only took 45 minutes. Pretty slick.

So, that's what I did today after I got off work (5 am - 1 pm).

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