Thursday, January 10, 2019

The "first" snow of the season (bright morning)

I'm not absolutely positive, but yesterday may have been the first 'measurable' snowfall we've had this year here in the Fort. We had a couple of dustings in November or December, but I was actually beginning to wonder if it was ever going to snow this winter. I took a picture (above) of just how much we got!

It was somewhat of a surprise (to me) yesterday too. When I drove to work at 4:30 am there were just a few flakes floating around. Pretty soon people started coming in saying how slick it was and how many accidents they had witnessed.

All told, we still only got a barely-ground-covering amount (again, see pic). I do have to admit, though, that it was kind of pretty watching it snow for a change.

One odd thing I noticed on my way to work this morning was... just how bright it made it seem at 4:30 am. I'm guessing it's the city lights reflecting off the snow-covered ground. Not that it was like daylight or anything, but it appeared significantly lighter out than usual. Interesting.

It was also interesting how weird the cat was being yesterday when I got home. I'm assuming it had to do with the snow.

So... that happened.

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