I have filled out TWO NCAA basketball tournament brackets this year. One where I actually thought about the selections, pairings, locale's, and whatnot... and a second one where I picked based on nothing but a roll of the dice. I had no common final four teams between the two, but did have a couple common elite 8 teams.
The researched bracket (which ended up being 'somewhat' influenced by vodka towards the end) is as such:
Sweet 16 -
Duke vs. Va. Tech
Maryland vs. Michigan St.
Gonzaga vs. Murray St.
Buffalo vs. Nevada
Virginia vs. Oregon
Old Dominion vs. Cincinnati
N. Carolina vs. N. Mexico St.
Iowa St. vs. Kentucky
Elite 8 -
Duke vs. Michigan St.
Gonzaga vs. Nevada
Oregon vs. Old Dominion
N. Carolina vs. Kentucky
Final Four -
Michigan St. vs. Nevada
Oregon vs. N. Carolina
National Champion -
N. Carolina over Michigan St.
The dice bracket (Even numbered roll was top team; odd numbered roll was bottom):
Sweet 16 -
NC Central vs. Saint Louis
Belmont vs. Minnesota
F. Dickinson vs. Fla. St.
St. John vs. Michigan
Ole Miss. vs. Oregon
Old Dominion vs. Colgate
Iona vs. Auburn
Iowa St. vs. Kentucky
Elite 8 -
Saint Louis vs. Minnesota
F. Dickinson vs. Michigan
Ole Miss. vs. Colgate
Iona vs. Kentucky
Final Four -
Minnesota vs. Michigan
Ole Miss. vs. Iona
National Champion -
Ole Miss. over Minnesota
I like some of the "upsets" in the random bracket. I'm not very good at predicting them myself. So... we will see. I'd be surprised if I am anywhere close with either bracket, but you never know. :)
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