Thursday, March 21, 2019

Dr. visit

I had my semi-annual routine doctor visit yesterday. I go twice a year in order to continue getting my blood pressure prescription. Once again, I lived to tell about it. Although, I had to change it to an afternoon visit instead of the usual early-morning. So I went at 1:30 pm after I worked the 5am-1pm shift (then I came back to work and did my 5-mile run).

My weight was 172 (fully clothed); blood pressure 120/84.

There were several things I pointed out:
  • I'm no longer taking the Sertraline (we talked about that awhile and he was fine)
  • The gout flare-up (Yes, I'd had that happen once before - not to worry unless it becomes a common thing)
  • My belly-button hernia (he never seems too interested in me having it repaired but said to call when I'm ready and his office will refer me - maybe to this guy) (pdf with info)
  • Running (we spent most of the time talking about running, as usual)
I don't know about you, but whenever I visit my doctor I feel better about myself when I leave than when I arrive. He's a mellow guy who smiles and laughs a lot, and just has a way of making me feel okay. I like that. It almost makes it worth the $75 portion of the fee I have to pay. :)

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