Tuesday, May 14, 2019

36th wedding anniversary

Today is our 36th wedding anniversary. Or, just another day in the life. We didn't get gifts, and I just wrote "I love you!" on the back of the card Jane bought for me (there have been years I bought one and she did not). I guess that'll have to do. As soon as she gets home from work we will go out to eat to celebrate. Likely to our new favorite pub (I hear a burger and a tall Yeungling calling my name).

This day has turned out better weather-wise than the day we got married. I came home from work and mowed the lawn, then went for a 3 mile run. It was kind of rainy and overcast the day of our wedding (if I can remember right).

Other than that... not much to say. Our marriage lasting this long is likely nothing short of a miracle of God. I know most people think it's all because of Jane, and it probably mostly is, but I don't think even she is that good. That said, I can't imagine me sticking with anyone else though. I have no idea why she has stuck with me.

I was thinking this afternoon... if we actually make it to our 50th anniversary - which is only 14 years away - I will be SEVENTY FREAKING YEARS OLD!!! Man... that's crazy.

Well... I'm hungry, and thirsty, and my bride should be here any minute...

**newly touched-up pic courtesy of our good friend, Mike. Thanks!

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