I have been reading N.T. Wright's "John for Everyone" commentary series for my devotions lately. I kind of like it - most days. Today was a good one, for a couple reasons...
For starters, I had been thinking to myself earlier this morning about how I need to work at being more aware of how I can serve others in my daily life, or how I can be more Christ-like during the day-to-day. You know, the old, "how can I be Christ to... my wife, my kids/grandkids, my boss, my pastor, my friends, people I see at work, on the street, etc." While I do think it helpful to have this mindset, and I could stand to be a LOT more like this, I had an interesting 'nudge' during my reading/journaling-time today!!
The text for today was John 4:1-15, about Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at the well. It's an interesting encounter as a whole, and I like how it represents the radical side of Jesus venturing outside the conventional norms of society. However, what caught my eye was how Wright worded verse 10:
"'If only you'd known God's gift,' replied Jesus, ' and who it is that's saying to you, "Give me a drink," you'd have asked him, and he would have given you living water.'"I didn't even notice it the first time I read it. That's why I always read a devotional text at least twice. But when I read it the second time... it brought a smile to my face. :)
Here I was, thinking about how I needed to be more Christ-like to others, and it was almost like God winking at me saying, "And don't forget, Dan, that Jesus just might show up in your life in some of the least-expected people too!" ;) Ah, yes...
It makes me wonder, just how often has God/Jesus shown up in my life, and I missed it? "If only I'd known God's gift..." How many times was I too busy? How many times was I too intent on being the do-er? How many times did I think I was in charge of a situation? How many times was I simply not paying attention?!?
Point taken, Lord. I think I simply need to try to be more aware of You. Whether I am serving others (and therefore you), or seeing you IN others, allowing others to serve me, or seeing where you are already at work and joining in.
May nothing surprise me, but may I also be open to being surprised. Amen.
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