Monday, June 03, 2019

Monday morning miniscules

I think every day last week I was going to post some sort of "tidbits" type thing. Wednesday Words, Thursday Thoughts, Friday Fragments, etc... I made it back around to Monday, so I guess it's 'miniscules.' I think that's a proper term for "mini thoughts." Either which way, that's about all I can seem to muster at the moment.
  • I don't know how it is I seem so busy anymore. I mean, I feel like I'm doing nothing with my life, yet I seem busier than I've ever been. It makes no sense.
  • I suppose the summer baseball schedule doesn't help. At least the minor league season is almost half over. The middle of June will mark 35 of the 70 home games scheduled. I still do enjoy working the parking lot. It's dealing with volunteers, staff, and the money that are the difficult parts for me.
  • My marathon training started last week. I follow an 18-week program of 4 days running per week. Last week was 3 miles on Tuesday and Thursday, 5 miles on Wednesday, and 8 miles Saturday. This week will be the same but I add a mile on Saturday.
  • I feel good except I can't seem to shake the blister on my right foot. I had it in the same exact spot last year and I just can't pinpoint what's causing it. It's between the ball of my foot and my big toe. It doesn't really hurt or anything, but it's annoying and takes time to "deal with" every day. This weekend I ordered some of those "toe socks" that I will wear for my long runs at least.
  • Another thing I've become involved in is the 'preaching team' at church. I think there are 6 of us (including the pastor). One thing I'd been encouraging the pastor to do was to preach less on Sunday mornings. He already knew he should, but it's one of those things he enjoys, and I think it's maybe hard for him to let other people do it. So it may be a big step for everyone involved. Anyway, about every 5th week or so one of the other of us will preach that Sunday. There are 4 men and 2 women, and all of us have experience with public speaking, and all the men have served as pastors at some point. It will be interesting, but I'm not overly confident in it ever coming to fruition. We'll see.
  • On a completely different note... one morning last week I mistakenly woke up at 2:45 a.m. and thought it was 3:45. My alarm goes off at 3:50 a.m., and I will often wake up just before. I thought that's what happened. Just as I was leaving for work I checked the calendar on my phone and it said I was to be at work in an hour and a half. I was like, "what?!" Sure enough, it was only 3:30, instead of 4:30. It's really hard to take an hour nap at 3:30 in the morning after getting yourself ready to GO. Anyway, I sat on the couch with the cat and maybe got in a 10-minute "cat nap."
  •  I am writing this at work on a Monday morning and I was just interrupted by several people wanting to chat. One is the bike mechanic across from me who has traveled the world and leads an interesting life, and the other two are members who come to the Y to work out. Anyway, for as much as I get discouraged by my boss, I actually really like working here. It allows me to rub shoulders with some quite interesting characters. Of course, I'm sure I will want to quit by the end of the day...
  •  I almost forgot that Jane and Carrie (and the kids) went back to Illinois this past weekend to visit my parents. They both ran in the 1st ever 5k in Buda, and Jane was actually the first woman finisher! She said it was the most difficult 5k she'd ever run due to hills and a few logistical elements, and she wasn't very happy with her time. But still... she won!

I suppose I could go on for some time now that I've actually taken the time to write. That's the way it goes, and why I need to be better about forcing something out on a more regular basis again. We'll see. Now I should probably do some work... so here's a thought I've been pondering since Friday:
"To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection." - Henri Poincare

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