Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Here we go again


"Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the right to do what we ought." - Pope John Paul II

I am masking up again at work (and other public places). We stopped having to wear them the beginning of June (though I believe it was supposed to be only vaccinated people who were no longer required). At the end of July we received new signage that masks are now "encouraged" again. It was nice while it lasted.

Even though they are "encouraged," I would guess I am one of the few staff who actually wear one. I know my unvaccinated coworker doesn't at all, and my Executive Director was in yesterday and did not wear one. One of my pet peeves is people in leadership not being examples. I figure even though I'm a peon, since I am here representing the company, it makes me look like a hypocrite to not have one on myself. But I guess that's just me.

And, I know, everyone likely already knows my stance on things. Sure, you can do what you want. I can also believe it's the anti-maskers and anti-vaxers who are responsible for this pandemic getting out of hand again.

It gets so irritating seeing and hearing people talk about their "rights." Ha! You know, I think we should all have the right to vote if we want to (but there seem to be some opposed to that); I think children should have the right to not worry about a deranged gunman coming into their school (but there seem to be some who are okay with that); and I think we should have the right to live in a healthy environment (but there seem to be some who don't care about that). 

I know no one wants to hear my drivel; and I don't want to hear yours. You go ahead and stick your gun into your pajama pants and head off to walmart with no mask and no vaccine - I can't stop you! Argh.

Oof. It just makes me sad. Regardless of how I felt about my old man, it was a terrible way to die.... and he was only one of millions in the world. So far.

People may make fun of me for wearing a mask again when they're not required, but I really do think it's the right thing to do on behalf of the most vulnerable, just like getting the vaccine is a small price to pay. And, for crying out loud, we've been required to get vaccines to attend school and travel abroad for years. Stop acting like this is so unheard of!

But, I know, I've got some bitterness in my heart about all this... so who am I to talk?

God, be merciful to me, a sinner.


Proverbs 21:2-3

"A person may think their own ways are right,
    but the Lord weighs the heart.

To do what is right and just
    is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice."

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