Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Just give money, or not

I saw this meme the other day, and it really resonated with me. I occasionally encounter people asking for money, and I've given it. I've also thought it best to gave them food instead, or not give them anything at all at times.

We always think we know what's best for others, don't we? I mean, I've been guilty of seeing someone asking for money and thinking, "Well, what you really need is food." And let's be honest, it's because we think they're going to spend the money on alcohol or drugs. Which, in other words, means we think we know what's best for them! Because, lets be even more honest... if they're poor, or wanting alcohol or drugs, it is obviously because they're... STUPID, right?!

Today I was reading the parable of the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:16-22. It struck me that Jesus didn't tell the guy to give his possessions to the poor, but to SELL his possessions, and then give to the poor. I could be wrong, but that sounds sort of like, "Just give them the money and let them determine their own needs."

We really do have a problem with money, and stuff, don't we? Especially if it's "mine."

Maybe there are homeless people (or poor people) who lack common sense. Although, I remember someone somewhere sharing once how, if you ever find yourself in need, a homeless person is going to know a whole lot more about where to get food and shelter than most of us ever will. So it's not so much a matter of knowing less, but knowing different things.

What we ALL need is a sense of dignity... to be respected for who we are, regardless of our financial situation.

I don't know... I have issues with people (myself included) who think they know what's best for others. I also have a problem with how much money and possessions really own most of us, and how that dictates so much in our society. Especially for those of us who call ourselves 'Christians'... who supposedly believe everything belongs to God.

So, today I am making my way by giving some money away. I made a charitable contribution to a non-profit this morning, and if I see someone asking for money on the street, I'm going to give them some - with a smile and a 'God bless ya!' 


“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money." - Matthew 6:24

1 comment:

Jane said...

I never knew how much it would bother me when this happened until recently when it seemed like decisions were being made for me. Definitely something to be aware of - I'm sure I've done the same thing without realizing it.