Thursday, August 25, 2022

Just my opinion


Can you read that underlined part in the pic? It's Soren Kierkegaard saying...

"You are not obliged to have an opinion about what you do not understand."

I'm almost finished with his book 'Purity of Heart is to Will One Thing,' and was pretty much thinking I didn't understand a lick of it and it was a waste of time, when I came across this section about individualism.

Not that I am sure, but I think what he's saying in the context of these particulars is... We need to resist the "crowd" mentality. Don't just follow along blindly. Ultimately we're going to answer for what WE think and do, not who we align ourselves with.

This is partly why I don't understand partisan politics (especially "Christians" who stroll the partisan parade).

But... I do realize, that's just my opinion.


Psalm 119:41-48

May your unfailing love come to me, Lord,
    your salvation, according to your promise; 
then I can answer anyone who taunts me,
    for I trust in your word. 
Never take your word of truth from my mouth,
    for I have put my hope in your laws. 
I will always obey your law,
    for ever and ever. 
I will walk about in freedom,
    for I have sought out your precepts. 
I will speak of your statutes before kings
    and will not be put to shame, 
for I delight in your commands
    because I love them. 
I reach out for your commands, which I love,
    that I may meditate on your decrees.


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