Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Leadership lessons

I ran across this article awhile back - 7 Brutal Truths About Leadership Not Too Many People Want To Hear - and it seems to frame the topic in a way other leadership articles don't. It was refreshing.

As I so often say when I post something about leadership, I don't know why the hell I'm still reading on the subject. I guess a part of me still feels like I do/can lead. Regardless, I liked the way this was presented, and I will just share points. You can read the short article for explanations. 

  1. Leaders must face conflict to solve problems
  2. Leaders must grow people
  3. Leaders must put employees ahead of customers
  4. Leaders must make the workplace safe
  5. Leaders must be willing to listen to feedback
  6. Leaders must apply the strength of vulnerability
  7. Leaders must act with love and care


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