Friday, February 16, 2024

Five things friday

Yeah, this seems like a good weekly rhythm to get into. Here's the weekly dose I know you've been holding your breath for...

  1. I did a 15-mile run this morning and it started snowing about two miles from the end. It was nearly perfect and I felt really good. Sub-freezing weather is not at all bad to run in as long as it's not windy. I'm feeling pretty darn thankful, all things considered.
  2. There are many things where the saying is true "they just don't make 'em like they used to." However, I am a big believer in Band-Aid brand Flexible Fabric band aids! I've had some foot sores recently (maybe due to the blood thinner I'm on, and running) and just starting wearing one on all my long runs where I've had blister problems from time to time. It's on the big toe side of the ball of my right foot. Let me tell you... I'm talking just a regular sized band aid, and they do not move! Even after 15 miles of running!! Take it from me, those are good band-aids.
  3. I read this report this morning: According to the CDC, the leading causes of death in the US during 2021 were: 1) Heart disease - 696K, 2) Cancer - 605K (breast cancer is 45K), 3) COVID - 417K, 4) Accidents - 224K, 5) Strokes - 163K, 6) Chronic respiratory disease - 142K, 7) Alzheimer’s – 119K, 8) Diabetes – 103K, and 9) Chronic liver disease – 57K. What I would like to know is -- how much do pharmaceutical companies and hospitals make treating those diseases? I mean, there have been amazing (incredible, even) advances in treating heart disease alone. But then once someone is treated, how many pills are they bound to for the rest of their lives?!?.
  4. I will never forget Reggie McNeal making a passing statement a number of years ago something like: "I'm not afraid of dying. It's what they do to you before you die that worries me."
  5. James Clear says, "If you want a simple formula for having a good day, then get a workout done and do your most important task before lunch. Knock out those two things by noon and you really feel like you're ahead of the day." I'll let you decide the validity of the statement for yourself. For me, for as little of a speck as it makes in the universe, I've got my workout done and I'm hitting publish on this post at 11:59. Done! :)

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