Friday, May 31, 2024

Five things friday (outta control)

Whew... its' the last day of May. This crazy summer is getting out of control already. Kinda like...

  1. I think I'm about over college sports. Especially my Fighting Illini. I mean, first it was NIL and the relaxed transfer rules - which I know are supposed to be designed with the athletes in mind - but now that schools can start outright paying players... it's just openly only about the money anymore! They aren't even hiding it! Gone are the days of developing a team; now you just buy one. And at least in this initial phase, it's just completely out of control. While it's possible that it may be better for the players, I have my doubts, and it certainly isn't better for me as a fan. Ugh.
  2. According to this Harvard report, between 1975 and 2010, the number of physicians in the U.S. grew by 150% and the number of healthcare administrators grew by 3,200%. And we wonder why the cost of healthcare has skyrocketed and the quality has plummeted? As my doctor nephew said years ago, "This is what happens when healthcare becomes for-profit." 
  3. Which is another thing I don't understand about trump's apparent appeal to so many people. To me he represents "big business" (whether he's a good representation or not is another issue), and why don't more working-class people see the evils that corporate greed is causing in the world? I do not know.
  4. On a more positive note: I attended a men's breakfast with our church community yesterday. I was anticipating having a donut and chatting a bit over coffee. Geezaroo! It was a 6:30am deep dive into addressing issues men are facing with full on feelings, emotions, and gut-wrenching honesty. I mean, I thought it was great! It was a bit unexpected, but I really like that about this church. There's not a lot of messin' around. It was good.
  5. I'll end with some (more) wise words from James Clear: "Clarity isn't about knowing what you want to do with your life, it's about knowing what you want to do this week. You don't need to have it all figured out. You just need to know your next step." 

My next step: Take a deep breath in; hold it; and let it out slowly... 

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