Monday, June 17, 2024

Fathers day, 5k, kindle, afib

Well, that was fun. Most of it.

Father's Day 2024 has come and gone. We started the weekend with the annual Associated Churches Father's Day 5k. It had been a few years since we've run in this event. We get a free entry since Jane's work is one of the sponsors, but we would gladly pay anyway. It's a nice course, and I like the guy who started it. We did not set any land speed records (right around 30 minutes), but we saw a lot of people we knew - including a decent sized group from church.

After that moseyed over to the Farmers Market and perused, then got breakfast at a downtown eatery. 

We got back home around noon and... wouldn't you know it... my dang heart rate went wacky again. I had another AFib episode with high and completely random heart rate. I tried the usual remedies (which never seem to work) and just sat on the couch for most of the afternoon. It finally settled back down after 3-4 hours. I was pretty wiped out physically afterward, but worse than that, it's just such a bummer mentally. Like, I have tried to do everything I'm supposed to do, and nothing seems to matter. I'm guessing another dang ablation is in my future.

Saturday night we were still able to enjoy the first Rock The Plaza at the downtown library this year. This is a yearly summer tradition for us on Saturday nights where they have four bands each night, we take our lawn chairs, enjoy supper and beverages, and just kick back and relax. This year is a shortened schedule, but I'm thankful for every year they're still able to get away with this free event. Rumor has it that it's more and more difficult with all the 'downtown revitalization' and more people living there.

Sunday we did not "go to church" because it was a service-project-day, so instead we watched a message from a previous week when we'd been absent. In the afternoon we ventured down to Headwaters Park for another Father's Day tradition: Ribfest. We've been taking in Father's Days there for 14 years now (that's where we all gathered after we found out about our first grandchild). I had a pulled pork sandwich meal. Afterward we went out to Drew Carrie's for cake.

For gifts: I got myself a new kindle. It's this Amazon E-Reader (2022 release) 6" display/16GB. I went back and forth between a Fire Tablet or a Paperwhite, and finally just got this one for $99. It's not paperwhite, but has a glare-free display. I don't anticipate reading a lot on it, but I needed/wanted something since I still have some unread books on there and my old one crapped out. I do kinda like how small it is. Also, the grandkids each made me a Father's Day card, and Carrie got me a bag of snacks!

So, aside from the AFib, it was a pretty nice Father's Day.

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