Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Weekly workout plan(?)

Here I am on a random Tuesday... trying to figure out a weekly workout schedule...

Far be it from me to know what is best, most healthy, or otherwise make a recommendation for anyone else, but I need something for myself. I have no interest in being a top-level athlete, but I'd like to stay as healthy as I can without making myself crazy. Last night we were leaving the grandkids' school and followed some folks our age down a flight of stairs. It took them f o r e v e r! I/we don't want to be like that. At least not yet. We have a new grandbaby, and I still want to be able to get down on the floor and play with him when he's able!

Fortunately I have also finally matured to the point where I don't HAVE TO adhere to a strict regimen or all is lost. Missing a day here and there, or not doing things exactly as they're written is okay (whew, it's taken me awhile to get here). And, the fact is, running is my habit of choice for cardio. There are other just as legitimate options, but running is mine. So I'm basically always at some point in training for something (which includes periods of rest and recovery). For instance, I just took a couple weeks off from any kind of running or exercise during the holidays. But I am now back into an 18-week marathon training plan gearing up for the end of April.

And, as an older adult, I am aware of the necessity of weight work to combat the deterioration of muscle and in limiting fat development. It's a thing, and it has nothing to do with being "muscular." It's all about quality of life. As long as I'm living... why not?

So, here is the current plan I am working my way into (which will likely change from time to time, but, dangit, it's time I put something down in black and white!):

  • Monday: Egym with Jane early morning; first run of the week (using 4-day running schedule) - right now it's 3 miles, either slow or make this the one day of speed work.
  • Tuesday: The longer "midweek" tempo run (currently 5 miles, going up to 9 or 10 later on); 75 kettlebell swings.
  • Wednesday: short run (right now it's 3 miles, either slow or speed work depending on what I did Monday).
  • Thursday: Egym with Jane early morning, then rest the remainder of the day.
  • Friday: Long run (this week will be 9 miles, then I'll mostly be doing double digits up to 20 miles until the end of April).
  • Saturday: Run with Jane however far she wants to go; 75 kettlebell swings.
  • Sunday: Rest (big time)

* For marathon training I have always used Hal Higdon's plans. Usually some variation of either the Novice 1 or Novice 2 format. They're free, time-tested, and haven't let me down yet.

* Egym is unique to the gym I used to work at (and a handful of others around the country). It's not a great weight workout for "weight lifter" types, but is a pretty solid generalized workout that covers arms, legs, shoulders/lats, and core. It is a great system for older adults who wouldn't otherwise be doing any weight work.

* The kettlebell swings are something I've just started. I got the idea/motivation from Tim Ferris and this letter he wrote to a friend who "wanted to get in shape." I've yet to use a 50 pound kettlebell (or even 35 pounds), but it kicked my butt nonetheless! In the above link he has a video for the correct way to do swings, as well as a cheap way to make a kettlebell alternative (which I have done because no way am I spending that kind of money and the alt works just fine).

And there ya have it. Speaking of which, it's time for my 5-mile run.

**Btw, I intend to do all my running outdoors. The past few have been in my trail shoes because of snow/ice on the ground. I think today I will put screws in my Brooks Glycerin 20s so I can wear some actual running shoes. 

Here we go!

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