Thursday, August 07, 2008

Organic god - pt. 2

I finished Margaret Feinberg's The Organic God yesterday. That's about as quick as I've read a book in a while. Probably partly because it wasn't my book so I didn't write in it or underline, but partly because it was just a good read. I think I'm going to buy a copy for my wife.

Two things to note:

From pp. 107-108 -- building up the bride...
Now I'm not naive. I realize the church in America is far from perfect and in many ways has gone astray, but the church is still the bride of Christ. She may have holes in her dress, stains on her shoes, and smeared makeup on her face, but at the end of the day, she is still the bride. When we recognize that God's perspective of the church is not necessarily our own, then we will begin treating her with the respect and care she deserves. We will begin building her up to what she is meant to be instead of tearing her down.

From p. 175 -- the verbs of God...
When I see God's name mentioned in Scripture, I often find a verb somewhere nearby. God is constantly on the move. Though we may not always see him or sense him, he is actively engaged. Consider for a moment a few of the verbs of God.

God answers (Is. 58:9); God bestows (Pr. 8:21); God blesses (Dt. 14:29); God blots (Is. 43:25); God calls (1 Thess. 4:7); God cares (Nahum 1:7); God cleanses (Jer. 33:8); God clothes (Is. 61:10); God comforts (Is. 51:12); God corrects (Job 5:17); God counsels (Ps. 32:8); God covers (Ps. 91:4-6); God cuts off (John 15:1-2); God delights (Zeph. 3:17); God delivers (Ps. 37:40); God detests (Deut. 25:16); God disciplines (Pr. 3:12); God encourages (Ps. 10:17); God fills (Job 8:21); God forgives (1 John 1:9); God gathers (Deut. 30:4); God gives (Matt. 11:28); God guards (Ps. 97:10); God guides (Ps. 73:24); God heals (Hosea 14:4); God hears (Ps. 69:33); God helps (Ps. 37:40); God holds (Ps. 73:23); God increases (Dt. 7:13); God keeps (Dt. 7:9); God knows (Mt. 6:8); God leads (Is. 42:16); God lifts (Ps. 146:8); God listens (Ps. 10:17); God loves (Ps. 37:28); God opens (Dt. 28:12); God pours (Is. 44:3); God preserves (Ps. 41:2); God protects (Ps. 41:2); God provides (Ps. 111:5); God purifies (1 Jn 1:9); God rejoices (Is. 62:5); God remembers (Ps. 111:5); God rescues (Ps. 91:14); God restores (Ps. 71:20); God rewards (Pr. 19:17); God satisfies (Ps. 132:15); God saves (Is. 40:29); God sustains (Ps. 55:22); God teaches (Is. 54:13); God upholds (Ps. 37:24); God watches (Gen. 28:15); God works (Rom. 8:28); God wounds (Job 5:18).

Good stuff.

1 comment:

JAH said...

Your wife is looking forward to the read...