Thursday, April 05, 2012

No maundy thursday service

We did not have a Maundy Thursday service this year. I was pretty torn, because this is usually one of my favorite services that we do. However our church is at such a place right now that I thought it best to just not even bother this year. We have a fractured community, and too many people that just don't seem to care. So rather than do things to magnify that, sometimes I think it's best to just pull back and hold on. I actually only had one person even ask about it. They "couldn't believe" we weren't having a service... even though they haven't attended for at least the last three years. Kind of how it goes. Last year there were three people there besides me, Jane and Carrie. Next year, if we have one yet, we will likely just have a meal and read the "Last Supper" account. Something simple and inviting. We'll see. It's not always a bad thing to not do something every now and then.

We also didn't have an Easter Egg Hunt this year. Various reasons for that too. This didn't bother me so much though - mostly because I don't like having it on the Saturday before Easter (for those who follow the Biblical Easter traditions this is probably the WORST day to have it). But I don't mind one on Easter Sunday, or the week before. But... really... I mean, what does the Easter Bunny have to do with church anyway? I don't think most churches have Santa Claus come at Christmas. But, whatever.

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