Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I had to pick up some napkins for the church today, so I decided to stop in and get a haircut. It has only been about a month since my last haircut, and I usually go about two months... But I have a wedding this weekend and I thought I would just get it tidied up a bit. I also had a coupon for $7.99 that was only good for a couple more weeks.

I went to the usual place, and since it was raining and sleeting, there weren't too many people out and about. And this was the first time I can remember having a guy cut my hair there. I actually didn't recognize either of the people working. Anyway, Jason cut my hair. He was nice enough - even though he started talking politics (from the wrong viewpoint of mine) - but he was young and just trying to be friendly. He did an ok job on my hair, but he didn't cut off enough. Oh well. Such is life. At least it was only $7.99. Oh, and I gave him a 20 and told him to just give me a 10 back. All he had was one dollar bills. So I got 10 one dollar bills. :)

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