Thursday, April 04, 2013

How to stop church-killing gossip (and other church related issues)

Here are a series of articles from Ministry Best Practices all related to people leaving churches or how to avoid trouble and things like that. They are all very short, practical, and to the point. I wish I had trained my leaders in these things over the years. I also wish I knew how best to let people know these things. People are strange, you know; and can be so easily offended. It's a delicate dance to be be sure.

'How To Stop Church-Killing Gossip' is one that definitely needs shared. I think there's a great temptation to think that, "Oh, everyone does it." Or, "It's just how people are." And that's true. That's part of what makes it so bad. (

Along with that, here is one on 'Five Things To Consider Before Leaving Your Church.' (

And... 'Perhaps the BIG Reason People Leave Your Church'... (

And the 'Top 10 Reasons People Leave Your Church'... (

And... 'Five Reasons A Pastor Should Reconsider Leaving Their Church'... (

And... 'If You Appoint Men Who Are Not Qualified For the Eldership What Happens...'

And finally... 'Surviving A Church Split.' This is especially pertinent since our church recently underwent a minor split and the people involved are still at work trying to make it worse. (

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