Friday, April 24, 2015

He sat there in his big chair behind his big desk and...


I admit that my mind is a sadly strange cluster of garble. All I could think of after putting up yesterday's post was this story of Bill Bright that Don Miller shared in his magnificent book Blue Like Jazz. I actually thought of it while writing yesterday's post, but thought I could get by without it. It was weird though, because I just felt incomplete the whole rest of the day... Just for not posting this story on my stupid blog. I know...

So... I will put it below. It is one of - if not THE - favorite stories I've ever come across. I did a search on my blog and found that the first time I shared it was in 2007. I actually kind of like the entire post I put up around it that day - I think everyone should read it too - it has to do with confession, and sin, and other good stuff (click the link "the entire post" to read it). Anyway, here is the story. If you're reading, please read it gently; carefully; read it a couple of times. Or not...
A guy I know named Alan went around the country asking ministry leaders questions. He went to successful churches and asked the pastors what they were doing, why what they were doing was working. It sounded very boring except for one visit he made to a man named Bill Bright, the president of a big ministry. Alan said he was a big man, full of life, who listened without shifting his eyes (cool phrase, I think). Alan asked a few questions. I don't know what they were, but as a final question he asked Dr. Bright what Jesus meant to him. Alan said Dr. Bright could not answer the question. He said Dr. Bright just started to cry. He sat there in his big chair behind his big desk and wept.

When Alan told that story I wondered what it was like to love Jesus that way. I wondered, quite honestly, if that Bill Bright guy was just nuts or if he really knew Jesus in a personal way, so well that he would cry at the very mention of His name. I knew then that I would like to know Jesus like that, with my heart, not just my head. I felt like that would be the key to something.

 Yeah... the key to something. Holy. I want that kind of holiness. I do.