As far as the heel, he said it sounds like a ligament strain. He suggested I might want to try something called Zostrix. It's made from really hot peppers or something. He didn't think it was necessary, but it wouldn't hurt. I was happy about that.
As for my numbers:
- Weight - 167 (fully clothed)
- BP - 138/84 (I'd just run inside from the car in the rain; plus Advocare supplements)
- Sodium - 139 (should be 134-146)
- Potassium - 4.5 (should be 3.6-5.1)
- Creatinine - .9 (should be .8-1.3)
- Uric acid - 6.1 (should be 3.5-7.2)
- Calcium - 9.3 (should be 8.3-9.9)
- Magnesium - 2.2 (should be 1.8-2.5)
- Albumin - 4.6 (should be 3.4-5.0)
- Iron - 116 (should be 47-149)
- Bilirubin total - .6 (should be 0-1)
- Cholesterol - 240 (should be 0-200)
- Triglyceride - 233 (should be 0-150)
- HDL - 50 (should be 40-60)
- LDL - 143 (should be 63-130)
- Non-HDL chol - 190
- Chol/HDL ratio - 4.8 (average)
- AST (SCOT) - 17 (should be 15-37)
- Alkaline phos - 79 (should be 50-136)
- Glucose - 102 (should be 70-99)
- GFR non black - >60 (should be)
- GFR black - >60 (should be)
- PSA - .4 (should be 0-4)
Overall he was very happy with the results. I was too! We both thought my blood pressure was likely due to one of the supplements I am taking with the Advocare 24-day Challenge, and he wasn't worried about it anyway. So, it was a good visit. I go back in 3 months for my next check-up.