Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I hate it when watching t.v. and one of those commercials for erectile dysfunction comes on. I can't imagine what it's like for a guy who is actually suffering from it... like it's probably not bad enough, and then to sit there and wonder what his wife is thinking.

Anyway, the reason I am even thinking about that is because I seem to be having 'sermon dysfunction.' And to date, I hate that even worse -- because I seem to suffer from it quite regularly.

Why can't I just write? Or even think? Help.

Last week I talked about our need to trust God more for what He can do "through" us. And now I am having a hard time trusting Him to give me a word for this week. Hmm. I hate it when that happens too.

I was hoping that by writing something... something might come to me. Well...

I'm waiting.

Okay... I'll change the subject. Maybe that will help. Can't decide which book to read next. I might read "Traveling Light" by Eugene Peterson. It's his musings about the book of Galatians. I think I might preach through Galatians at the beginning of the year. I haven't done a book series in a while. At least then I will know what to preach each week.

I would kinda like to re-read Donald Miller's books though. I really, really liked the two I've read so far. They just made me feel good; and think good. They made things make sense and seem like 'old times.' Like, when you think about being curled up in the big chair as a little kid and watching t.v. or something. All the planets were lined up.

Yeah... that's a much better thought than erectile dysfunction.

Oh... I just saw the UPS truck. Nope - kept going. I thought they might be bringing my memory for the other computer. Still can't get online at home. And it's a bummer. Gateway said it would be here the next day. That was 6 days ago. They seem to be having 'shipping dysfunction.' Or truth-telling dysfunction. Or...

Alright... later. Dysfunction junction, what's your function...

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