Thursday, December 08, 2005

What a day...

I am so glad there is an "edit" button on these blogs. I wish life could be like that.

This morning I posted on this very post some really negative stuff. I had had a rotten day yesterday. I was depressed, mad, nuts... the whole nine yards. And I did ask for prayer. Maybe somebody prayed for me... because today has been so much better. Thank you, Lord.

If I offended anyone in my earlier post, I am sorry. Sometimes I can be so self-centered and stupid. So, I erased the post. Let's put it behind us. Forget it was there. Okay? :)

Anyway, I am glad to have had this day. I just arrived home from Huntington -- in 8 fresh inches of snow. We should not have been on the roads because there hadn't been any snow plows out. But WE MADE IT nonetheless.

Jane and I attended our Region's District Leadership Meeting at Ponderosa. We took Scott & Linda Kling with us. They are a FANTASTIC couple. There ended up only being 7 other people there - I'm sure partly because of the weather. But, it was a nice time anyway. And I got a new book -- "No Perfect People Allowed" by John Burke. The by-line says, "Creating a come as you are culture in church." Could be interesting. But then, our church kind of already has a come as you our feel. I like my church. I hope other people do too.

God is good. Thanks for taking care of me. Thanks for the people you've put in my life.



dan said...

Hey... thanks for the prayers Lance. I thought somebody must have. Take care.

Brian said...


I certainly don't claim to "know how you feel" but I know I fight a lot of depression and while I enjoy being a thinker, I can think myself into some serious doubt. And it affects my sermons. I go through cycles where I think my preaching is fantastic, but then it cylces down to plastic or maybe even disallusioned. It also affects my relationships. I say dumb things trying to move people out of my space. But one of the biggest openings for me has been a fellow pastor who has shared his journey with me. He'll call and say, "Boy, just needed to hear your voice. Someone who I know loves me." It makes me feel good knowing I'm helping and knowing that despite the barriers I've put in place, this one guy at least, knows I love him.

If anything, I think it is good that you have found a place to share yourself and you have found friends who love you.

dan said...

Hey... thanks for the comment. I hoped I hadn't offended you earlier (I'm sure I probably did, so I'm glad you're a forgiving guy).

When we first moved to Findlay, the first time I met Lynn Cavalege, she said I reminded her of you. And she said it in a very flattering way. We probably are pretty similar. So it's probably a good thing we didn't plant that church together.... or we might have drove ourselves nuts, huh? :)

With all the machismo I can muster... I love you to, pal.
