Friday, February 17, 2006

Helping Hand

Galatians 6:1-3
"...if someone is trapped in sin, you should gently lead that person back to the right path... You obey the law of Christ when you offer each other a helping hand. If you think you are better than others... you are wrong."

Those words really struck me this morning. I think it's hard for people to offer a helping hand from a lowlier position. We're so used to "grading" people, and if we feel we are "less than" someone, don't we usually think they should do something for us? And those we think we are "better than" are the ones we can "help." Don't you think we think we can only help someone who is worse off than us?

I guess when I read the above verse this morning, I caught this mental picture of two addicts crouching in a corner together. Both with this look of hopeful desperation, like... "I'm really messed up, but I'm here for ya'."

There are always at least two sides to every story. And it's so easy to jump to conclusions and think one is right and the other wrong. We're all wrong to a certain extent. But we can be there for one another. Because there is One who is right.

Last night I asked our group, "Do you think God is rooting for you?" Everybody right away said, "Well, yes." Then, when we fall into sin... why do we so often try to hide it from him? Why do so many people look so defeated? Why aren't we more joyful?

Some people look at God as though he is just waiting for us to mess up. But what if he's just waiting to offer us a helping hand?

Satan is the 'accuser'. God is an advocate.

I hope today I can be an advocate for some fellow strugglers. One addict doing what I can to "be there" for another. I know some people who seriously need a friend right now. I hope I can be one.

Peace. Revolution. REVOLUTION! Yeah.

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