Saturday, February 11, 2006

This and that

Picnic Tables & Playground Equipment
I've been researching this stuff, trying to find a good deal. Many thanks to Shelly W. who works for Do-It-Best. Arghh... there is a lot of stuff to look at. And it ain't cheap! But we need stuff for our park.

A great Brennan Manning quote:

"Get this if you don't get anything else: The spiritual life begins with accepting God's wholehearted love for our wounded, broken, surly, frightened, sorry selves. There is no other starting point."

That is soooo awesome. Yet so hard for people to wrap their minds around (I think). Don't you think that people have a hard time accepting that God loves us, and/or LIKES us? One of my all-time favorite lines - from BLUE LIKE JAZZ -- "I can't explain how freeing that was, to realize that if I met Jesus, He would like me." YES, YES, YES!!!

Clothing the homeless
A group from my church went on another "Sharing the warmth of God's love" trip this morning (including my son, Isaac). Once every couple months we collect coats, hats, gloves, blankets, whatever and take to the streets of Fort Wayne. Today we had nine (good sized group), and I was happy that we had more new stuff today than ever before. Sometimes people donate crap. But this time a lot bought new items.

Before they left, Scott K. (the leader) shared from the Beatittudes. I then shared a quote I got off of Mike Clawson's site yesterday. It's from Shane Claiborne's new book THE IRRESISTIBLE REVOLUTION:

"I remember hearing about an old comic strip... Two guys are talking to each other, and one of them says he has a question for God. He wants to ask why God allows all of this poverty and war and suffering to exist in the world. And his friends says,"Well, why don't you ask?" The fellow shakes his head and says he is scared. When his friend asks why, he mutters, "I'm scared God will ask me the same question.""

Wow. Yeah. That cuts, doesn't it?

This weekend my daughter is at Calvin College with a group of Huntington University students for some kind of conference. I think it has to do with poverty or something. And my son is spreading warmth to the homeless of Fort Wayne this morning. That makes me feel pretty good. I have GREAT kids. Carrie is absolutely the most dynamic young woman I know. She could sell snow to an eskimo - beautiful, talented, smart, classy. She really does have it all. I just can't figure out why she's so insecure. And my son is similar, but completely different too. He is handsome, incredibly gifted at speaking, guitar, singing, writing, and he has a great big heart. I think he will be a world-changer... if he will not try so hard. I think it will naturally come to him. Though it's kind of scary becasue I can see myself in both my kids. Hopefully they will overcome those parts. Both are voracious readers, good public speakers, handle themselves well in front of people, and not afraid to ask questions. I love them. Deeply. God, you have blessed me beyond measure. Thank you.

Well... I have rambled on today, haven't I. Went to the theater and watched THE MATADOR last night. It was very, very funny... in a sick sort of way. I really liked it, but probably wouldn't recommend it to too many people because of graphic sex scenes and language. But it was funny as heck.

Hey... so long. Peace. Revolution. Mix, stir, add lotsa heart and guts. Go!

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