Thursday, March 23, 2006

Carry me

My Bible reading this morning was Psalm 28. I'm reading in the Contemporary English Version, and verse 9b reads,

"Be our shepherd and always carry us in your arms."

That's how the chapter ends. I read that over and over. Then I said it... over and over. What a prayer.

Doesn't that go against our way of thinking though? I mean, to ask God to "ALWAYS" carry us. Isn't he just supposed to prop us back up on our feet... Or give us just enough help so we'll be able to handle things on our own...

It seems somewhat "helpless" to ask him to "Be our shepherd and always carry us in your arms." Why does that seem wrong?

I think it's hard to admit that we will never be good enough. That what God wants is NOT for us to "just add a little Jesus to our lives"... but to DEPEND ON HIM COMPLETELY... WHOLLY... FOREVER.

Hmm. If I can allow myself to forget all that I know about doing life, it's really a quite comforting thought.

Be my shepherd, Lord, and always carry me in your arms. Amen.

Peace. Revolution. Go.

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