Thursday, March 02, 2006

ch ch ch ch changes

It's another song title. I used to have the Steve Taylor cassette with "Jesus Is For Losers" on it - many years ago. I wish I had the cd. I loved this song, and the whole album.

I'm so glad he is for losers. Otherwise I would have no hope.

I feel rotten again today. What's the deal? Just can't get my butt movin'. Of course, the other night I visited a home where both occupants had what they thought was the flu. Yesterday I made a hospital visit to a lady with an upper respiratory infection. Jane (the wife) was wheezing and sneezing this morning. I just feel lethargic.

This morning when I woke up I had the strangest feeling. Can't really describe it. It kind of felt like my space had been invaded or something. I even wondered if someone was in the house; or if something had happened outside. I wondered if Carrie was alright, and my parents, mother-in-law, etc. I don't know... I haven't heard about anything today. But I just feel such a strong "heavy-ness."

I wish I had some words of wisdom to share. Sorry. Blogging can be such a lonely way to go about relationships. But... tomorrow is the day off. And you know what that means!?! I get to clean the house! Although it's still somewhat clean because we cleaned yesterday because Isaac had a Fellowship of Christian Athlete's Bible Study at our house. Funny... I think only a couple of them are athlete's (which Isaac is not), but it's good that they get together anyway. He was bummed that it didn't go too well last night. I feel for him, because that happens all the time. You really want things to go well, and... well... yeah. But sometimes what looks bad can be misleading. Jesus is for losers, after all.

Hey... rock on. Peace. Revolt. Revolution. Revolutionary. Revolutionist. Revolutionistic. Revolutionistically. (are these words?) Later.

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