Saturday, March 11, 2006

Pornography & Penance

I got a call from my brother-in-law today, asking me for advice. Gulp. He recently became an elder in his church, and I think he was looking for ammo, or support. Apparently a "leader" in his church admitted to being addicted to pornography. I don't know what he meant by "leader", other than it's not the pastor or an elder. And the person has said they are "getting help." But b-i-l thinks something needs to be done.

I dunno. I can see both sides. Pornography is a bad thing. I first got an eyeful when I was a young lad, plastered on the side of Terry Littlefield's garage. It is very addicting. And church leaders should be held to a high degree of accountability. But... I really don't know enough about the situation to state an opinion. I know I have often jumped to conclusions, or rushed into things, and more damage was done than good.

So... I went and bought my b-i-l Donald Millers' BLUE LIKE JAZZ. There's not much I can do about the pornographer, but I feel like b-i-l has some bitterness issues. I don't think he's gotten over his divorce yet. I think he views God as nothing but a big judge in the sky, waiting for us to mess up. I pray that he will find peace. I pray that the pornographer will find it too, and conviction (if he already hasn't).

Speaking of Donald Miller books, I also bought his newest, "To Own A Dragon: Reflections On Growing Up Without A Father." I didn't grow up without a father, but I know many people who have. Plus I like Don's writing. And Jeff Foxworthy wrote the review on the back cover - I thought that was an interesting choice for a Christian write. Now, if I just didn't have those other 20 books I needed to read...

Peace & Revolution, friends. Go!


Debbie said...

Pornography seems to be a struggle for so many... My opinion is if he's already confessed the issue and said he's getting help, maybe now all he needs is an "accountability" partner. Just someone to help him along as he battles this.
Also I read your Christian concert blog and follow up. I agree with you about the "selling Jesus" part... it's getting so old and predictable. But I do enjoy a great concert! I actually got saved at a Christian concert in 1999. So I'm grateful I went! Have a Great Day...

dan said...

Thanks for the input Debbie.
Peace & Blessings.