Friday, July 28, 2006

Just thinking

What a nice, rainy Friday morning. Someday I want to get one of those TGIFriday signs that says, "Where every day is Friday." Because Friday is my one day off, you know. I started today waking up on the couch around 5 am; waited til 5:30 and made coffee for Jane; then turned on the computer (had to turn it off last night due to the storms). Then I had some incredible homemade blueberry muffins (good job, dear). I drank 3 or 4 cups of coffee. Read email, blogs, and news. I actually flossed this morning - since I just went to the dentist the other day it's still fresh in my mind (Sarah says, "floss and flouride!"); so I flossed, brushed, and rinsed for 1 minute with flouride stuff. I didn't realize how long 1 minute was. Now I'm wasting time before cleaning the house; then run my 3.5 miles; eat lunch, shower, and head to Ohio to get Carrie's stuff.

Did you know there is a town called Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada? I would love to live in Medicine Hat! I wish I knew someone from there (hint, hint).

I can't wait for Sunday. Isaac is going to lead worship for us. Yippee. It will be a nice break, plus just a little somethin' different.

I'm still looking for a permanent worship leader, by the way... And a small groups director; and an assimilation monkey; and a projects coordinator; and a missions leader; and a... and a... and a...

Oh, back to Sunday... I start a week's vacation after this Sunday (have I mentioned that before)!!! First Jane and I are spending a couple days at Indiana Beach ("There's more than corn in Indiana" is their slogan). We've never been there, but who cares. It's not here! After that the whole crew, including dog, will be heading to Buda, Illinois - my hometown for the first 33 years of my life. We'll visit with family, and then Saturday is my 25-year class reunion. There's probably only going to be 10-15 people there, but oh well.

Well, that's probably about all the excitement you can take for now, huh? Oops, kinda spaced out for a moment, looking at Isaac's drawing of a girl turning into a violin. Also wonderin how the Wabash Liberation Army project went last night. It was supposed to be a big night. Hopefully I won't read about in in the newspaper. But I WOULD like a t-shirt. It's still a very-much underground sorta thing. Sorry to mention it.

Peace, friends. Revolution(ate) today, okay?


Anonymous said...

Hey Dan,

Iunderstand that a blog is "supposed" to be about you, but do ya ever worry about giving out to much informationa about yourself? Just from the blog, I know who you are, your kids, where they live, where you are going on Vac. Becuase I know you are going away that's means the house will be empty. If I was a bad person (a different kind of bad than I am) your blog could really open doors for e to do harm.
Don't go off the deep end worring about it, but does it ever cross your mind that you share stuff that you shouldn't?

dan said...

Hi Frank,
You bring up a valid point here, I suppose. Never really thought about it. Though if no one reads my blog, what difference does it make? Plus, both my kids are adults now, and they probably share just as much or more info on their own blogs. And the fact that we are leaving does not mean the house will be empty. But, now that you have brought this to everyone's attention... gee, maybe I should be worried (just kidding). =)

It's funny, because I was just thinking about this guy I used to work with this morning - and i don't even know why I was thinking about him. But he lived out in the country by himself, and I remember him telling me one day when it was snowing that he always left his house unlocked when it snowed. That way if someone went in the ditch they could get in and use his phone or keep warm or whatever. And I thought - wow, that is pretty cool. In this day and age where we have multiple door locks and security systems and stuff, here is somebody who doesn't really care if anyone takes his stuff, he's just concerned about the welfare of others. If we're too worried about our stuff, maybe we have too much stuff. (?)

Now, that doesn't mean I'm leaving my door unlocked. I have been known to get upset if someone takes a pencil off my desk, but... it's something to think about.

Anyway, thanks for chimin in, Frank. I'm really NOT going on vacation, and my real name is Nad Ledewroh - just in case anyone was wondering. :)

Anonymous said...

Nad Ledewroh,

I have been thinking about starting a blog...maybe...and security is one thing I am thinking about.
Just cause people don't comment, doesn't mean they don't read your blog. I read all the time.

Dr Ted's pal

Anonymous said...

Hey...maybe that's what I'll call my blog....Dr Ted's pal. :-)

dan said...

My previous response probably wasn't real "responsible". So, if there are any chillin' that read this... you should never give out any personal information about yourself or family or where you live.

However, there are measures you can take to see who is reading your blog. A decent site meter will help, and you can get various kinds for free.

So you should definately START A BLOG, Frank! And Dr. Ted's Pal sounds like a dandy title (probably truer than mine).

Okay, I'm off to Findlay now, as soon as I get hopped up on some caffiene. I'm dead tired.


Arthur Brokop II said...

hey, enjoy your vacation,
ah, how I envy you, rainy fridays, vacation by the lake, an active ministry...
it has been a long, hot, dry summer here in New Mexico.
I loved the story about the man in the country who left his door unlocked...
But I do agree, tis best not to give out too much personal information here in blog land.
God Bless.

dan said...

Thanks maryellen,
Sorry it's so hot in NM. At least there's no humidity, right? :)
peace & blessings,

Whisky Prajer said...

Hey, I'll be passing over Medicine Hat a day from now. Well ... quite a stretch over Medicine Hat ... like about 500 miles or so, in Eaglesham, Alberta. Same province, though. Medicine Hat is actually quite beautiful. I'm sure I could rustle up a Mennonite contact or two for you, if you need a place to flop!

dan said...

Hey, thanks Darrell. I'll let you know if I'm ever in that neck of the woods. Hope the vacation is going well.