Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Power of Words

I have to say, I'm a little reluctant to post today. I... I'm not used to having the traffic I've had recently. I'm pretty humbled right now, and that's probably a good thing. I didn't expect more than a handful of people to read my thoughts from yesterday. But... if any of you are back... I'm glad you're here!

Sometimes I'm not aware of the power my words can have. Not just the ones that are here on Al Gore's internet, but every word I say. I usually start writing my sermons on Tuesdays, and I'm having quite the time getting going today, because I've just come to realize that sometimes people do listen.

What bothers me are all those times I FAILED to realize the power my words had. Yes, there have been times I've said things from the pulpit as a way to "get back at someone." I feel terrible about that. There have been a few meetings where I kind of lost my cool. It's hard to take those things back. Even in my dealings with my wife and kids... ouch. Those are maybe the worst. One little comment can slip out and it gets imbedded for good in someone's mind.

It's really good that God can CHOOSE to forget. How about you? Are there things people have said to you that you've been holding onto for far too long? Have you TRIED to forget? I'm not saying it's easy (it's not), but sometimes I don't think we WANT to forget.

What I really wish is that we could go in and delete things we've said to others. Apologies are just not the same.

Anyway... since words do have great power... what kind of words do you feed your eyes and/or ears?

- Praying With The Church, by Scot McKnight (should finish it tomorrow). A great book for someone like me who is ignorant about prayer books and fixed-hour prayers.
- Pocket Guide To The Bible, by Jason Boyett. Pretty funny, but haven't gotten too far into it yet.
- Kierkegaard For Beginners, by Donald Palmer. Interesting, pretty brief, funny pictures.

- You Converted Me (Tony Jones)
- Story (Steven James)
- Simply Christian (NT Wright)

Rock on, friends. Peace. Revolution(ate).

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