Monday, July 17, 2006

Maybe I Should Have Said...

Regarding my earlier post "Why I Am No Longer Emergent"... maybe I should have said, "Why I DON'T WANT TO BE Emergent."

After receiving a few emails, I guess it does sound a little like I'm pointing fingers, and I didn't mean to do that (I was really just whining). The truth is, it's not that I have anything against the emerging church (whomever they are). I think maybe I'm just tired of the "conversation." Which isn't entirely true, but, you know, I don't know why we can't just be "the church."

The truth is (and everybody knows it) there are people who call themselves Christians that we would just as soon not be associated with. People say stupid things, make wild claims, wear ugly clothes and have bad breath. But you know what... Even if we try to only stick to those like us, there will always be people around us that bug the snot out of us.

So... how cool is God to love us all? To put up with our crap? To be there, and care, and stick with us?

When I say I don't want to be emergent, it's not that I dislike certain people so much (even though I do). It has more to do with not liking the labels. And you can call them something else, but it's nothing short of taking sides to me.

I am a follower of Jesus. I have certain virtues and values that are dear to me. I do things in a particular way, and try to respect that others might do things in a peculiar way (to me). I still think, at some point, it's got to come down to... "Love Jesus and do what you want."

So, if I offended any of you, I'm sorry. If I didn't offend you... just wait, I'm sure I will eventually. :) Yes, I want to be liked by everyone, but I want to be right with God. I would rather be known as a 'friend of sinners' than a 'friend of emergent.' That's not anti-emergent, but pro-Jesus. Let's be Christians boys and girls.

Peace. Revolution(ate)


Anonymous said...

So would it be fair to say you're now "post-emergent"? I find labels very helpful.

dan said...

Hehe. Hmm. I am contemplatively smiling, Gil. :) I'm a thinkin' you're a pretty wise man. I find it hard to believe I am 'beyond' anything short of a mullet though; but I guess it's possible. Can you define "post-emergent" for me? I do like the sound of it. But it's probably more a case of me being tired of thinking. :)

Debbie said...

Fortunately Jesus keeps it simple for me... "Unless a man is born again he will not see the kingdom of God." I'm just seeking Him, serving Him, loving Him, and doing my best to be like Him to a lost and hurting world... that's all He asks and it seems a lot more simple than fitting a certain man made mold! I long for the day where people don't say "what church are you part of" but instead they say "let's pray and worship together and draw closer to Jesus" Unity will draw the presence of the Lord... He's far away from those enjoying strife and chaos. That's my ramble... Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that Dan. No deep meaning...I was just being a bit of a smart aleck. I don't really know you well enough to make light of a serious topic.

I have my own questions about all things emergent...and with so many people around me simply hurting and struggling with everyday life issues...I find it difficult to expend the energy it takes to engage in the "conversation".

Thanks for being bold and courageous enough to be transparent. Press on!

dan said...

No apology necessary. I thought it was very appropriate. In fact, I have noticed the word "post-emergent" used a couple of other places just this morning. And, I agree with your comment about expending energy in the "conversation" when there seems to be so much else to do. Not that people shouldn't discuss these things, but maybe I'm not one of them. :)

Thanks for your input.

+ Alan said...

Hey Dan. I can surely relate to some of your frustrations with all the stuff. There are parts of the whole phenomenon that I still very much relate to and a lot of it that I never did relate to (I think that's the case for many of us).

One of the things that's happening in this stage of the game, I think, is that this emerging "thing" has indeed become a "thing" to be emulated and desired and sought after. People WANT to call themselves this. Before, a good several years ago, it was something other people were saying about what was going on and there happened to be a bunch of us who were doing "it" (whatever IT is). Over time, we gravitated toward one another in various forums because we felt alone and wanted to talk about what was going on. The character of that has changed quite a bit now.

Hell, I may be one of the pissy arogant people you're talking about. I hope I'm not that. I will certainly say what I believe to be harmful in the Body. I don't think that's bad. Everything's not OK. That kind of thing, actually, is something I see happening in the emerging world that's not good - the need to never pointedly say anything definitively, to be tolerant of everything. OK, I'm rambling now.

Really I just wanted to say you don't need to apologize for not feeling a part of some "movement" which really isn't a movement. You relate to what you relate to and that's fine. So you keep walking the trail, hopefully with others who can help you and whom you can help. Sorry to be wordy - look who you're talking about here. :) Peace to you.

dan said...

I appreciate the kind words (and, no, you're not one of the "pissy, arrogant people" I was referring to). I think you summed things up pretty well here. And, maybe, it's not that the emerging "thing" needs to go away, but perhaps these are just growing pains. Or, 'just the normal noises' for something of the magnitude that it is. Anyway, thanks for the thoughts. I've always enjoyed your blog.