Thursday, August 10, 2006

Nooma Sunday

I'm going to use one of Rob Bell's Nooma videos Sunday morning. Matthew. It deals with death. It's pretty good.

I like these Nooma videos. "Rain" is probably my favorite. I haven't seen all of them. And Rob does a good job in them, but sometimes I wish they had other speakers. You know, like, it's kinda like 'the Rob Bell show.' But... whatever.

It seems a lot of people I know of died in July or August. I think it was 12 years ago that my best friend died. That was the first eulogy I ever gave. It was before I was a pastor. I don't think I even knew what a eulogy was at the time. The funeral home was packed out; I gave it; sat down; and completely lost it. I cried like a baby right in front of everybody. I'm crying now. I wish Skip were still here.

Two years ago last week I lost a good friend too. Marvin was responsible for hiring me here. He was the best friend a pastor could ever ask for. He was constantly looking out for me and my family... making sure we were taken care of and treated well. I wish he were still here.

My first funeral as a pastor was in August - seven years ago (I had been a pastor for 3 weeks). The teenage son of one of the neatest couples I've ever met. Very good friends of ours now, but I never knew their son. I have heard he is someone I would have liked.

Jane's dad died in July - 25 years ago. I don't think I ever even talked to him. He probably wouldn't have cared too much for me at the time, but what I wouldn't give to have someone like him to talk to now... an older guy with a deep and sincere faith. I wish I had known him.

So... we will watch 'Matthew' Sunday. I just read about Jerry Seinfeld's bit where he talks about the number one fear of Americans is public speaking; and death is second. So, he says, this means that at a funeral, the average American would rather be in the casket than up on stage doing the eulogy. Hmm.


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