Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Unsatisfied vs. Dissatisfied

I admit I don't have a real good grasp on wordage, but is there a difference between being "un-satisfied" and "dis-satisfied"?

I think, for me, I WANT TO BE unsatisfied always. I should never be able to simply think everything is as it should be and there is nothing that needs improving or nothing more to do.

But I believe some people mistake me for always being "dis-satisfied." They think I am not happy with how things are; I don't approve of things. And, it's not so much being unhappy, as just being unsatisfied.

Like, the difference between God accepting us how we are... but He doesn't want to leave us that way. Some people love hearing that God accepts us how we are, and they just want to "live there." They think that means he accepts our sinful ways and that he's okay with it. I believe the reality is, he accepts us as we are, but doesn't accept our sin, and wants to change us or see us change.

Anyway, maybe I have these words all wrong. But for everyone who thinks I'm just a grump who doesn't appreciate anything or is never happy... that's not true. It's more that I'm not satisfied with how things are. I want to see people set free; I want people's lives to be transformed; I want to grow in my relationship with God; I want the world to be different. And I hope I always do. So... I don't know what you call that. But that's what I want.

Peace, friends. There could be a revolution.


Anonymous said...

Hey Dan,

Can I use this blog as my devotional to open council meeting? Good use of words.

dan said...

You bet, Frank. I'm glad it made sense to somebody, because I wasn't sure if it did. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dan...I copied and pasted so I could print.