Monday, September 04, 2006

Corn Toss holiday

I actually took the whole darn day off of work (it's labor day here in the US)! Jane and I built this nifty Corn Toss game. I made the goals and Jane made the bags-o-corn.

I was not familiar with this game until recently. Apparently it is all the rage with teens and young adults (at least in the midwest). Most people call it "cornhole" (get it, you toss the corn-filled bag "in" the hole). Personally, I prefer "corn toss" to "conrhole," but that's just me. There is actually an AMERICAN CORNHOLE ASSOCIATION, which has loads of interesting information on its website. It's kinda like horseshoes - only a lot safer for people like me. :)

Hopefully Jane and I can practice up before the weekend. I'm planning to drag it out Sunday after church. We're having a dedication service for our pavilion, then a cookout afterwards... and we ALWAYS need some games to play.

So... that's how I spent my Labor Day. How 'bout you???

Peace. Revolution(ate).

1 comment:

dan said...

I don't know if it's my shirt, or how I fish-eyed the photo, but it kinda looks like I'm wearing a maternity top doesn't it? I don't "think" I'm pregnant. Maybe I better check.