Friday, September 22, 2006

Defending McLaren

I don't know why I feel a need to defend Brian McLaren (and, geesh, I think I've done it multiple times on this blog). Maybe it's because I feel so connected to his "Dan" character in the NEW KIND OF CHRISTIAN chronicles. Or maybe it has not so much to do with Brian, as with the people (dare I say "Christians"?) who seem intent on tearing him to shreds. At any rate, I had read this post from him some time ago, and just ran across it on Bill Kinnon's blog. It's a good read. Even if you don't like Brian (and how could anybody not like my Brian - Seinfeld moment), it's some good advice no matter who or what you are talking about. Here's a little snippet from it:
...I hope that if you are among my good Christian critics, you will aspire to be a good Christian in the way you respond to my writings, even if you think I am a bad Christian for what I write or the questions I raise. We have a chance to model constructive dialogue rather than the religious bickering which has too often characterized all our religious communities. Even if I am as wrong you think I am, what good would it be to prove a wrong person wrong if in the process right people prove themselves mean-spirited, unfair, unreflective, inaccurate, dishonest, or hypocritical?

One final request. I hope that none of us will spend so much time in internal debate about our beliefs that we neglect putting our beliefs into action. It would be tragic for both you and me if our differences distracted us and others from what religion is supposed to be about: helping widows and orphans and others in need, and keeping ourselves “unspotted from the world,” as James says.
Just something to keep in mind.

Peace. Revolution(ate).
Danno's Dangerous Mind

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