Friday, September 22, 2006

The Psalters

Son Isaac saw the group 'The Psalters' the other night. According to him they are "A nomadic group of christian anarchists traveling around playing traditional jewish music fused with african drums with elements of punk rock. They are all homeless and travel around in a school bus playing shows." Wikipedia has a blurb about them HERE. You can check out some of their music on their myspace site HERE. And their regular web site is HERE.

I have to admit, reading about them, while at the same time reading Shane Claiborne's book, does tend to make this type of life rather appealing. And one thing I wonder is... is this really the way it should be? On the one hand I think "yes"... and too many people are just too afraid to take that step. But on the other hand I think "no"... that it's a bit too idealistic and irresponsible. Yet on the THIRD hand (yes, I am a freak of nature) I think... well, maybe for some it is, and for some it's not.

I don't think it's something I could do. And I don't think it has anything to do with fear. I think it has more to do with who I am; who I am finding out that God made me to be. After all, we're all homeless to some extent; we're all on a journey; and I believe we are all musicians - living our songs in a variety of ways. So I don't dismiss groups like this. It sounds like a load of fun. But I have to keep things in perspective too... it's not the ONLY way. But I am glad my son got to experience them, and may he find his way - whatever that may be.
After looking at this I want to re-phrase/explain... I think my son IS finding his way - better than most. And my daughter too. They are in process just like I am in process. A mistake I have often made is to assume younger people "just don't understand" yet. The truth (IMHO) is that NONE OF US understands yet, and we're all "finding our way." So, God bless their journey, and yours. (I love my kids, and they inspire me so much. They give me hope).

Peace, friends. Journey real.


Whisky Prajer said...

I think you've gotta be young to commit to something like that. I hope we get to see what comes of them as the years wear on. Similarly, watching JPUSA from afar has always been a virtual shot in the arm for me. And it's enlightening to see them wrestling with the sort of "property" issues they originally eschewed.

dan said...

Yes, good point with JPUSA. There's always that fine line between age leading to 'wisdom' or age leading to 'selling out.'

Hey... and I love the book cover design. Can't wait 'til it comes out. Congrats!

Whisky Prajer said...

Thanks, man! You shall be kept up to date.