Monday, September 11, 2006

The Irresistible Revolution

I finally started reading Shane Claiborne's book THE IRRESISTIBLE REVOLUTION: LIVING AS AN ORDINARY RADICAL today. I have wanted to read it for a long time, and finally decided I needed to since he is coming to Anderson University to speak in October, and I'm hoping I can get a chance to go hear him.

In the forward (p.12) Jim Wallis says, "Shane's disaffection from America's cultural and patriotic Christianity came not from going 'secular' or 'liberal' but by plunging deeper into what the earliest Christians called 'the Way' - the way of Jesus, the way of the kingdom, and the way of the cross."

He says on p. 14, "The Christianity of private piety, affluent conformity, and only 'God bless America' has compromised the witness of the church while putting a new generation of Christians to sleep. Defining faith by the things you won't do or question does not create a compelling style of life. And a new generation of young people is hungry for an agenda worthy of its commitment, its energy, and its gifts."

Wallis ends the forward with: "This book is a manifesto for a new generation of Christians who want to live their faith in this world, and not just the next."

So far I've just read the Forward and the Introduction. But it looks like something I will like. I'm already thinking I need to go ahead and change my blog title back to "Peace Revolution." I'll wait a bit, but I think it's inevitible. I mean, who cares about my mind... but a revolution designed to bring about peace... that's something I would lay my life down for.

Peace, folks. Revolution(ate).


Robin said...

"This book is a manifesto for a new generation of Christians who want to live their faith in this world, and not just the next."

Wallis' quote alone is compelling. Hadn't heard of this one...adding it to my (mile high) stack :/.

I didn't realize your blog actually had that name before....

dan said...

It has been the blog of many names. DDM, Broken Whiskey Glass, Peace Revolution, Dan's Blog... (wait, didn't I just go through this list awhile back - sorry). I usually change it everywhere when I change it. Yep, changing names isn't real good for readership, but maybe that's a good thing...