Sunday, October 15, 2006

Somethin' Fishy Goin' On

Me and the lovely Lady Jane taking money for our annual Fish Fry. Since I'm the pastor I get the easiest job. :) We serve about 400 people all-you-can-eat fish & tenderloin, homemade potatoes, green beans, coleslaw, dessert, and a drink. Then we give any money we make away to someone who needs it. This year we're giving it to a friends church plant. It's not a lot... but it's something. Plus, a lot of people think it's a lot of fun. One bummer was someone stealing our sign from along the highway though. :(

Gotta cast off. Peace, friends. Revolution(ate).


Debbie said...

That's a really nice idea. Too bad about your sign!

dan said...

Thanks Debbie. Good to hear from you again.