Can you tell me what is so terribly wrong with this pic that I can't believe it was even on the internet? I could offer you an all expenses vacation to the destination of your choice, but you're going to have to pay all the expenses yourself. In any event... a laurel and hardy "well done" to anyone who knows...
It's backwards?
Sorry Dan but there is nothing wrong with this pic. You see the light in the upper right corner? JH is standing in front of a big mirror and someone is in the dark behind him taking a picture with a flash over his right shoulder of the mirror.
Okay, maybe not.
Jimi played a right handed guitar left handed, restrung to accomodate.... err sumptin.
You can't see it in the background, but Dan and I are back there talking about switching to Blogger Beta.
Okay, so this question was much too easy, or my friends are just wayyyy smart. Yes, Jimi Hendrix was left handed and played right-handed guitars strung upside down. So, either Tom is correct and this was taken in a mirror (and that light is the light goin' off in my head that blogger beta was a bad idea), or it is some other kind of optical illusion.
You are all WINNERS in my book, and I'm sure just being told that by yours truly is enough of a prize to satisfy you for many years to come. :) Thanks for playin'.
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