This is a picture of our corn field. Jane inherited a few acres of Illinois farm ground. We swung by on our way to the conference in Decatur, IL. The corn is doing mucho better there than it is here. I guess "technically" it isn't really our field just yet - not until after this crop is out. So that's kind of a weird feeling. I'm thinkin of gettin me some bibbed overalls.
We ate corn from across the border last night, but I suspect the crop in the picture is for feed. Looks like you've had good weather for it. We could stand a little more sunshine and heat.
I think you should build a baseball field to lure long gone baseball greats from the hereafter.
Because if you build it, they will come.
You suspect correct. And the weather has been great for crops where our field is, but not where we live (Indiana). The corn here is about half that tall.
It's interesting that my son watched that movie like a million times when he was a toddler. I never knew why, because we've never been into baseball all that much.
I'm sure it was the larger aspect of dream fulfillment that he was absorbing.
Me, I've NEVER watched it. Not a Kevin Costner fan.
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