Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Loving challenges for emergent

I still don't know if I am emergent, or emerging, or EV, or anything of the sort. My most-read post continues to be 'Why I Am No Longer Emergent'... even though it was really just a depression-induced whine. Many of the things I used to read and hear from 'emerging' people really resonated with me. But I guess I have always wanted to more-or-less be thought of as just a 'Christian.' People tell me you can't do that though. That there has to be a label. I don't like the definition of most labels, so I guess I've felt more drawn to the emerging one. But... it seems to be going the way of all the others. Ugh. It's confusing.

At any rate, I stumbled across Mark Van Steenwyk's blog 'Jesus Manifesto' and he has an excellent post titled "7 Loving Challenges for Emergent." Very nicely put, and I am also guilty as charged. I wish we could all put down our damn weapons (words, mostly) and learn to love God and love others. That WOULD be a challenge. Anyway, thanks Mark!


Joan Baumgartner Brown said...

Dan - thanks for the great link. My first two days were taken up with the semi annual meeting of the Sojo board and it was a very interesting start - the board is made up of leaders from many denominations and while they are all very progressive on social justice issues - they come from such broad backgrounds. It just made the conversations so vibrant. When we can get by without labels it sure sets things free. I thought the "challenges" were great for us all.

dan said...

Glad you appreciated the link, and it's great to hear from you. Sounds like things are hopping from the start. I appreciate you keeping us posted as much as you can.
