Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Nest running and anthony gomes

The nest is empty again. Son Isaac moved back to college yesterday. To keep us from sitting around thinking about it too much, the first order of business was to move the treadmill into Carrie's old bedroom (sorry sweetie, there's still the couch). As you can see in the pic, it's not a huge room, but it will be nice to not have to store the treadmill in the kitchen, then move all the living room furniture so we can set it up to run on it. I think I actually even got an extra tv hooked up so we can watch dish channels in there. You have to watch whatever is on the main tv, but, hey... it's better than staring at the wall.

Last night the lovely lady and I also took in a free Anthony Gomes concert at C2G. We hadn't been there in awhile, and there was a really good crowd. You can see it on Fort Wayne tv channel 33 after Saturday Night Live. I had never seen AG before, and he was good with his band 'the new soul cowboys.' If you like Stevie Ray Vaughn you'll love him. And c2g is a great place; however, last night was the first time I noticed that - while their sound is really good for most music, it was a wee bit lacking for my taste in this genre. It needed more power; more of that 'feel-it-in-your-chest' type of thing. At any rate, it was a good time, even though.... I dunno, not that I'm complaining, but.... I feel weird whenever I'm at c2g anymore. Not sure where this vibe comes from.

There was an opening band too, and I never did really understand their name. I need to hear it spelled and in a sentence. But one thing I noticed - you can really tell when professionals take the stage. I mean, even people who are small in stature just have this *big* look about them; like they're larger than life.

I just remembered I forgot to turn the heat on for the ladies Bible Study. I will be in the doghouse.



JAH said...

It was a nice evening - thanks... If you come home and find me wedged between the treadmill and the wall, please help me up!

dan said...

Hmm... maybe we should duct-tape the futon mattress to the wall behind it. :)

JAH said...

You truly are brilliant!