So I don't forget... here is what happens on Sunday mornings:
- Set two alarms for 4:52 am, and get up when they go off.
- Potty
- Make coffee, and shower, shave, or just wash hair (if necessary).
- Get first cup of coffee and check emails, blogs and news.
- When getting second cup of coffee - make oatmeal; continue reading blogs and news.
- Take meds, brush teeth and get dressed.
- Go to church sometime between 6 and 6:30 am.
- Turn on hallway lights, get computer, take it upstairs, connect to projector and sound board, turn on sanctuary lights.
- Go to basement and prepare six pots of coffee, but don't start yet.
- Fill coffee dispensers with hot water.
- Turn on heat in ladies restroom, rr hallway, stairway heater and entryway heater.
- Check heat in Sunday School rooms (which should have been turned on Saturday), turn on lights, and turn on heat in back of sanctuary.
- Unlock copy room.
- Start powerpoint and projector and make sure everything works.
- Take guitar(s) from office to sanctuary and tune.
- Turn on lights in front area of sanctuary.
- Run through order of service and message and make any necessary adjustments.
- Program music for between S.S. and worship gathering, and play through to check sound levels and timing.
- Start coffee pots around 7:30 am.
- Pray.
- Put coffee into dispensers and take upstairs.
- Clean and rinse coffee pots.
- Clean my eyeglasses.
- Make sure bulletins, candy dish, and Gems are out where they should be.
- Turn off entryway heater.
- When other music people arrive: pray, run through songs together.
- Time's up. Start.
After we're done:
- Turn off heat and lights in all S.S. rooms, rr hallway, restrooms, back part of sanctuary, and stair heater.
- Power down projector and computer.
- Gather up all 'order of services' and my sermon and my music, and take computer and guitar back to office.
- Turn off all lights.
- Write down anything I need to remember - stuff that people asked or told me.
- Make note of "situations" or people I might want to contact next week.
- File sermon and bulletin.
- Put my music away and Harry's large print sheets.
- Make sure coffee pots are all off.
- Check box outside my office for notes.
- Check place over, walk across parking lot, go somewhere for lunch.
- Drop in a heap for awhile.
- Go back to church in afternoon and put anything away that wasn't already put away (sermon, music, bulletins, Gems, Jane's music, etc.).
- Put offering envelopes out.
- Anything else needed to put this week to rest so Monday everything can start anew.
Good thing the Sabbath is supposed to be a day of rest! I'd hate to see what it was like if it was a work day! :oP
Having done the associate pastor thing for a number of years, I can certainly relate to this schedule.
Just for comparison (and no other reason), here's what a house church leader's schedule can look like:
Get up at 6:20 am
Potty (Do we HAVE to discuss that?)
Let dog out
Watch TV for 10 minutes while dog lays on lap
Finish whatever cleaning didn't get done on Saturday
Make sure rest of the family is up
Chill out
Prep kitchen for breakfast
Cook our part of breakfast, which is scrambled eggs, while others come and bring their part
Eat breakfast together
Have meeting about Jesus
Talk to people who won't go home
Fellowship with people who won't go home
Have lunch with people who won't go home
(New reader--found you thru Jim. Blessings!)
Dan, I think I can handle the coffee and all that, but what do I say DURING?
...I don't know if this is such a good idea, maybe you should get someone else.
I'm so proud of you little brother. You've become a custodian!
Love, Sis
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