Sunday, August 03, 2008

I wanna be sedated

To the few regular readers I have I apologize for the lack of posts recently. Nothing much to say about it. Maybe later. I appreciate MR trying to keep conversation afloat, but... you know... sometimes that's just the way it goes.

Anyway... we saw the new Batman movie "The Dark Knight." I wasn't impressed. Not sure what all the hoopla is about. But then, I always liked the tv show.

Had a wedding Saturday. It went well - even though the crazy sound guy (Drew) played the bridal march when the attendants were walking down the aisle (at rehearsal AND the wedding!). It was actually kinda funny, so we'll allow him to stay in the family. :) Wedding time: 25 minutes from lighting of the candles to exit.

Some sad news last week was Bogie boy - who is shown here in his sedated state after getting back from the vet. This is where I laid him after carrying him in from the car, and he didn't move for a couple hours. No, he wasn't much in the mood to listen to the Ramones. He had to have some x-rays taken of his hips and back legs. The doctor thought maybe he had some knee ligament damage or something, but it turns out it's just arthritis. Both his knees are pretty much bone on bone, with not much cartilage left; and what should be smooth surfaces are kinda jagged and cluttered up. He has a hard time getting up anymore, and his back legs go out from under him quite a bit. He's getting good at making it look like he meant to sit down, but he can't do stairs too well, and he has a hard time peeing - as he can't stand on only one hind leg, and he can't lean forward. Sometimes he's resorted to just sitting down when he pees.

We had thought he at least wasn't in much pain, because he never acts like it hurts. But the vet said he's probably just good at hiding it. He said it's probably like having a rock in your shoe, and that's what causes him to fall. So we talked about our options. He was having a surgeon look at the x-rays, but that's probably not doable for a number of reasons. He said we don't need to think about putting him down "just yet" - as long as he's still eating and able to get up. So... I dunno. He already takes more medicine than me, and we're going to start him on fish oil.

Both kids were home this weekend, and he was happy to see them. Drew got him to eat finally, and he was glad to have some of Isaac's clothes thrown on the floor for a spot to lay.


Tom said...

It is kind of strange because it is not like my dog is my closest friend or anything but I hate seeing her head down hill. She is 10+ years old, has epilepsy (The vets says the seizures age her. The meds do to but not as much.) and has actually lasted longer than I thought she would.

She smells no matter how many baths we give her, she's gassy, and sheds a lot. Still, I'm a dog person so I dread the day I'll finally have to put her down. I've often wondered why it is I can have more compassion for a dog than people at times.

Tom said...

Not sure what the point of the above post was.

Tom said...

I meant comment. I'll go away now.

MR said...

Makes sense to me. I absolutely care more about my dog than other people. Other people I expect to take care of themselves, and they get to live 70 or 80 years and they do what suits them. My dog is a source of unconditional love. I get a squealing, rolling greeting twice a day that brings down my blood pressure right away. I have every intention of spoiling my dog until her last day. I have to be careful, when that time comes, though, to be sure if she's suffering (and I can't buy my way out of it) I don't ask her to endure it just so I can have her longer.

She is absolutely my best friend. She's got a million expressions and a quiet dignity about her.

All I know is that after she's gone, the SPCA is going to open her memorial donation and wet their pants.

dan said...

I've actually always been more of a cat person myself, but there are humans in our house who are allergic to cats. A pet is pretty much a pet though - we grow attached, don't we.