Monday, April 13, 2009

The monday moan

I suppose it's only fitting that it's a cold, rainy, dreary day. I thought I was doing pretty good yesterday, but last night I hit a wall, and this morning I feel like I've been run through the wringer. I also have a serious case of brain cloud going on. So far this morning I've just been going through mail & messages, putting stuff away from yesterday, and re-organizing the basement. I don't know that I can do anything requiring thinking today. So... here are some ramblings from the mush melon:
  • Daughter Carrie is heading to Pittsburgh this week for some training. I think I've been by Pittsburgh, but never actually in the city. I preached my first sermon in Latrobe, Pa. That's the home of Arnold Palmer, and some kind of beer is brewed there.
  • As I mentioned in the previous post, Jane's brother and his son are coming for a visit this week. They will arrive Wednesday during the night, and of course Jane works all day Thursday and then goes straight to school - not getting home until about 10 pm. Then she works until 7 pm on Friday. So I guess I will be entertaining the brother-in-law. At least we get along, and he's an elder at our old home church, so we can always gripe about church stuff.
  • Our nephew that's coming is a doctor. He was also the first baby I ever remember holding, and the first wedding I officiated for a family member. He's coming out to spend a few days with son Isaac to check out his prison mentoring program. Cousin wants to start doing something like that - which I think is pretty cool that this guy is an actual medical doctor, but wants to do mentoring in a prison too. It's also pretty neat that the one cousin will be mentoring another cousin in how to mentor juveniles. That's probably how things ought to be. Anyway, he will go with Isaac to their Thursday night session, and hopefully go back for a tour and some more info later.
  • We are thinking of maybe trying to go to Anderson early Saturday morning to check out the Flop House. It's a business venture of Isaac's roommate, and sounds pretty cool. A good article HERE.
  • I am having a heck of a time finding a sign sketch that I like. I've been working with this company and the first one they gave me was the EXACT thing I said I did NOT want. So I tried to explain that we wanted something bright, contemporary, yet simple and understated. I received two more sketches this morning that are bright, and a little contemporary, but... argh... I must not be explaining myself well. And I even sent them a picture of what I wanted. Why...
  • Sometime this week I also need to get back to work on some of our government forms. I applied for one particular ST-109, and was denied because it says we haven't filed an NP-20 from 2003-2008. I have no idea what these things even are, and why or why they weren't filed, or ever were filed in the first place. I've been doing this since 1999, and I don't know that I've ever not done something I was supposed to. I hate this kinda stuff. It seems every person you call tells you something else. At least I think I finally figured out the difference between our Taxpayer Identification Number and our Federal Identification Number. Not that I know what they mean, but I know what they are now.
  • Jane and I were in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic at this time last year. The vacation of a lifetime. Man I wish I were there now.


JAH said...

I wish I were there with you ow.

JAH said...

...or now...

dan said...

Well, I can't imagine being there without you. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey...I'm not sure if Drew has to work or not but I would at least like to tag along Saturday morning if you end up going to AU.

And P.S. I don't have to drive to columbus before Pittsburgh. She's picking me up in Findlay :)

Jim L said...

"Sometime this week I also need to get back to work on some of our government forms. I applied for one particular ST-109, and was denied because it says we haven't filed an NP-20 from 2003-2008. I have no idea what these things even are, and why or why they weren't filed, or ever were filed in the first place. I've been doing this since 1999, and I don't know that I've ever not done something I was supposed to. I hate this kinda stuff. It seems every person you call tells you something else. At least I think I finally figured out the difference between our Taxpayer Identification Number and our Federal Identification Number. Not that I know what they mean, but I know what they are now."

Maybe you haven't filled out form 27B-Stroke-6. Where's Harry Tuttle when we need him?

dan said...

No problem about Saturday. Mark will be with us, but there should be plenty of room. And that's good about Columbus. Have fun!

Thanks for the link. You're mental movie database is much larger than mine. :)