Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Random #somethin' somethin' somethin'

  • I think I have the oatmeal thing down. I can finally make my own and it tastes pretty good. Maybe even better than the premixed kind. Last night we actually found some granulated brown sugar. That makes it soooo much easier. And I'm all about easier when it comes to food.
  • I see Facebook has made unannounced changes again. I can't seem to get it so I can go "offline". Every time I click on the thing it takes me back to my opening page, or else it just won't do anything. I don't know why people put up with Facebook. I guess they're addicted like me. But it seems if anyone else changed things as much as they do, with absolutely no regard for the people who use their service, people wouldn't put up with it. Maybe it's time for me to switch over to Twitter and just forget Facebook.
  • We actually have two people in our church who are connected to a recent murder in Fort Wayne (it actually happened elsewhere, but the people involved are from here). A guy killed his mother and 3-year-old daughter, and left behind two other children and his ex-wife. One person in our church is related to the guys ex, and another has a child who is a classmate/friend of one of the surviving children. It was weird, because they were both standing beside one another Sunday and neither of them knew of the others relationship to the situation. Sad, sad, sad.
  • Last week was such a looooow week for me emotionally. I hadn't been that down in a long time. There was almost a physical weight to it. So far this week has started off much better.
  • I think I need to take a couple days on my first week of vacation and just go somewhere and do a silent/meditative retreat. Pick one verse or phrase and contemplate it the whole time; write down my thoughts; listen to God. Not sure where to go.
  • Tomorrow I am actually going to have to get up early and wear presentable clothes and everything. Picking up Tom (6:50-6:55-ish) and heading to Findlay for the Ritz Lectures. I need to put gas in the car today. Might need to go to bed before 11:15. Probably shouldn't wear a hat.
  • It was 39 degrees when I got up this morning. They were giving frost warnings for last night. I don't think it got us though. At least the sun appears to be shining today. Nice. Sun is good.


Anonymous said...

You might consider the St Meinrad monastery (about halfway between Louisville and Evansville) for a personal retreat. A friend of mine goes there on a regular basis for just such a purpose.

dan said...

Thanks Randy.

Jim L said...

There's also St. Augustine's House in Michigan - they're Lutheran, but I know you don't hold that against us. :o)
